Enforcement Working Group

Enforcement Working Group Members

Chair Elizabeth Barrett FRC – United Kingdom
Vice Chair Jennifer Cooper CPAB – Canada
POB Albania
CPAB Canada
Enforcement Page
Chinese Taipei
Enforcement Page
AOB Germany
IAASA Ireland
IRBA South Africa
Enforcement Page
Enforcement Page
United Kingdom
Enforcement Page
United States

The investigation of possible auditor misconduct and the enforcement of domestic regulatory standards and laws are core functions of a majority of Members of IFIAR in addition to Members’ auditor inspection programs. These functions are critical to protecting investors and other stakeholders and driving audit quality.

IFIAR Members agreed to establish the Enforcement Working Group to promote stronger coordination in the area of investigations and enforcement, in order to enhance investor protection and improve audit quality. The objectives of the Enforcement Working Group are to:

  • Develop an understanding of IFIAR Members’ enforcement regimes with the goal of sharing information, including a discussion of current and emerging enforcement issues;
  • Hold periodic Enforcement Workshops to provide a forum for all IFIAR Member enforcement professionals to exchange information, share ideas, promote professional development and enhance effectiveness; and
  • Develop and strengthen bilateral relationships among enforcement officials from IFIAR Members with the goal of facilitating enforcement cooperation on matters of mutual interest.

The working group holds periodic meetings by conference call and in-person meetings when feasible and appropriate.


IFIAR’s inspection workshops are held biennially and are prepared and led by the Enforcement Working Group. The group is Chaired by Elizabeth Barrett of the FRC UK and includes IFIAR members from Albania, Canada, Chinese Taipei, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Past Enforcement Workshops

Location Date Highlights
6. London September 28-29, 2023 2022 Enforcement Survey; Route to enforcement; Engagement Quality Review; Keynote Speech (academic, formerly MD of UK Treasury and Head of Government Accountancy Service UK); Learning from past enforcement cases; Emerging risks and challenges – Culture/ethics; Case study; Emerging issues – sustainability, ESG assurance and crypto
5. Virtual October 18-20, 2021 2020 Interim Enforcement Survey; Emerging risks and trends; Keynote Speech (Chair/Director of impact investing and green finance institutes, non-exec Director, former investor group CEO); Enforcement Key Monitoring Indicators; Member regulatory developments; Learning from past enforcement cases
4. Zurich June 17-18, 2019/td>

2018 Enforcement Survey; Enforcement procedures; Technology in investigations; Keynote Speech (academic, market regulation and enforcement expert); Emerging risks and trends; Learning from past enforcement cases; Establishing an enforcement regime
3. Tokyo April 7, 2017 Reactions to breaches; Litigation practices; Publishing outcomes; Emerging risks and trends
2. London April 22, 2016 Case identification; Evidence gathering; Emerging risks and trends
1. Taipei April 24, 2015 Evidence gathering; Litigation & settlement practices; Publishing outcomes


IFIAR’s work on cooperation in the area of investigations and enforcement is prepared and led by the Enforcement Working Group. The Working Group is chaired by Elizabeth Barrett of the UK FRC. The Vice Chair is Jennifer Cooper of CPAB, Canada. The Enforcement Working Group also includes IFIAR members from Albania, Canada, Chinese Taipei, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Public Documents
Report on 2022 Survey of Enforcement Regimes – 19 June 2023
Report on 2018 Survey of Enforcement Regimes – 14 December 2018
Report on 2014 Survey of Enforcement Regimes – 28 April 2015
Fact Sheet – 28 April 2015

Members please click here to access Member-only documentation.